Words, Wildlife, Rock & Roll
Borneo, Wales, Infinity and Beyond...

Words, Wildlife, Rock & Roll <br> Borneo, Wales, Infinity and Beyond...

Tuesday 11 November 2008

11 NOV 08

It's Rememberance Day. We've observed our minute's silence, which to me doesn't seem quite enough time to contemplate anything, but nevermind. Anyway, just thought I'd post a reminder before heading back to the jungle, as here the world carried on turning over 11am. Of course that was expected, as I'm pretty sure Rememberance Day isn't marked at all in Malaysia, but regardless of the extent of a nation's involvement in the first and second world wars, there are enough conflicts going on in the world today to spend 60 seconds thinking about them.

This was highlighted again for us this morning whilst trying to book our next visa renewal trip. The recent executions for the Bali bombings have left us with large doubts about travelling to Indonesia during the Christmas period, especially as violence between Christian and Muslim groups is present in several Indonesian provinces. The Philippines are also suffering from internal conflicts at the moment, and there are problems on the border between Thailand and Cambodia. It's so easy to forget problems further than the eye can see, and whilst these conflicts are closer to 'home' at the moment, the newspaper I bought this morning has refreshed my knowledge of what's going on in Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia, Congo, Zimbabwe... When you put these on top of the loss of human life in past conflicts, a mere 60 seconds is nothing to spare from a busy day.

...I don't get annoyed with people who ask me why I bother to 'remember' on this day, I just wonder why they don't too.

On a quick orangutan note, here is the governmental response to a Downing Street Petition to have all products including palm oil in the U.K. labelled so that consumers can make informed choices about their shopping. http://www.number10.gov.uk/Page17322
It's worth a look. Also, since when did 'United Biscuits' become one of the largest companies in Britain? It's in a list along with Tesco and Asda!!! Very odd!

The jungle awaits, and so I'll write whenever I'm next near an interwebbing machine.
Take care and keep in touch,
Rach x

1 comment:

Haji Kler said...

hi rachel,
tink abt cambodia. it was nice n not as hassly as vietname sounded (and i get hassled ALOT).