Words, Wildlife, Rock & Roll
Borneo, Wales, Infinity and Beyond...

Words, Wildlife, Rock & Roll <br> Borneo, Wales, Infinity and Beyond...

Monday 10 November 2008

10 NOV 08 - An addition!

Okay, this may or may not amuse you.

I had one responsibility today, and that was to look after our hotel room key whilst we went to find lunch. We had a nice noodly lunch and returned to the room to get on with some work, but for some reason the door wouldn't open. 'That's strange', I thought, 'It's got to be the right key, we only have one ke...', ah. Also in my bag this morning was the key to our house in the jungle on a very similar keyring. Oh well, I'll look a bit silly but I'll just have to ask at reception for the spare key.

Reception presented us with 37 keys, but not the one to our room.

After breaking one key, a ruler, a flip-flop (I don't know how they thought a flip-flop would open the door), and my one hairpin (kept for such emergencies), they produced a hammer! They had to repeatedly hit the door handle to get us back into the room. Once in, I was busy trying to find the room key whilst mentally totting up the likely cost of the damage, when Chloe whispered "Oh no, the key was in my bag all along!!!" We pretended to find the key under the bed and apologised profusely. The manager went off to find a tool kit and a new door handle and left the heavy fire door to swing-to. Wanting to leave the room, I tried to open the door (now minus a door handle), by putting one finger in the hole we created and another on the little bit that goes in and out when you open and shut a door. It backfired and the door ended up firmly closed, with us trapped inside the room.

Within the space of an hour we had locked ourselves out of the room, and then locked ourselves in the room. To top it off, there are extremely large machines pummelling hundreds of 24m tall poles into the ground for foundations of a new building next door, and the deafening noise had been shaking the building since 6am!

Eventually we were freed by the receptionist who thankfully found it all very amusing and didn't charge us for any damage, although I did replace the ruler as a token effort!

That's the last time I take the keys.

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