Words, Wildlife, Rock & Roll
Borneo, Wales, Infinity and Beyond...

Words, Wildlife, Rock & Roll <br> Borneo, Wales, Infinity and Beyond...

Wednesday 8 October 2008

07 OCT 08

It’s the day before we set off on our trip, and I’m glad to say that it’s a little less stressful than previously thought. "Don’t Panic Captain Mainwaring!"
Having spoken to Naomi, we now have a meeting point and a backup meeting point, should the first one fail us, and I’m hopeful that we can get our visa in the time we have available. Fingers crossed. I’ve heard from home that there’s flooding in both Vietnam and Laos, and I’m not sure of the severity but we’ll soon find out. Apparently it’s affecting most of Vietnam, and on asking how Laos was, Mum replied "It looks a bit soggy". However, having spent two years in Wales, we’re quite used to soggy now!

It’s Dave’s last week at the field centre, so we’ve been making the most of the forest and the wildlife, as well as doing a bit of handiwork to create some bits and bobs for a tree-house type thingy… I’ll update you on the progress when we get back. Chloe may be turning into Lawrence Llewellyn-Bowen….or Delia Smith for that matter, as she’s been cooking non-stop for about a week! My claims to being helpful in both activities are creating a rung for the ladder (which turned out not to be needed, but to prevent disappointment has been nailed in place anyway to create a double-rung halfway up) and the crumble of an apple crumble. I also chopped up a pineapple and multiple onions. Maybe I’ll be more competent in both woodwork and cooking by the time I return?

I’m very excited about going to Vietnam and Laos, and can’t wait to see the others!

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