Words, Wildlife, Rock & Roll
Borneo, Wales, Infinity and Beyond...

Words, Wildlife, Rock & Roll <br> Borneo, Wales, Infinity and Beyond...

Sunday 21 June 2009

21 JUN 09

Earlier in the week we had some unexpected visitors. I accompanied a guest on an evening boat ride, in the hopes that I would be able to answer his questions and point out interesting wildlife. Although I've come a long way from similar activities seven months ago, where a "What's that?!" would be answered with "I don't know... a bird?", my job was made an awful lot easier when we encountered a group of elephants. We knew they would be somewhere in the area, making their way down the riverbanks, but since their last visit to 'our jungle' in October, we've not seen them around. We spent a warm sunset watching them chilling out by the edge of the river, their large heads visible above the aptly named elephant grass. Soon it became dark and we made our way back to the field centre.

The following afternoon we set out on a mission to find the elephants again. I kept my fingers crossed, not least because Chloe and Rachel weren't with us yesterday. I'd remembered for once to put on my sunglasses as winged insects seem to have believe that my eyes are in their designated flight-paths, and thrown on my spare pair of flip-flops after the others had spontaneously fallen apart the day before. I was just negotiating my way down from the rickety jetty into the boat when my sunglasses fell off of my face! Salen, our boat-driver for the afternoon, tried his hardest to fish them out, but they were probably already resting on the nose of a crocodile further downriver.
This small niggle aside, we tried to locate the elephants, but our efforts were in vain. We weren't the only people trying to find them, as Datuk Michelle Yeoh was also in the area trying to film them. She'd been staying in Sukau whilst we were there, but even if we'd bumped into each other I wouldn't have realised it as I'm notoriously bad for recognising people. I really should have twigged with this one though as she's played a Bond girl in Tomorrow Never Dies and was also in Memoirs of a Geisha. We returned home slightly disappointed at having missed the elephants, but still chuckling at getting a wave from a filmstar on a jungle river.
No sooner had we arrived back than we received information from a shady character that infact the elephants were now with the film crew. Salen resigned himself to a second attempt and started the engine. I jumped into the boat with such force that I broke another flip-flop. Naturally I'd broken the same one (the left, or the 'flip') so I now have two right shoes and no left ones.
We managed to catch the elephants before it got dark, and despite the presence of film crew and equipment it was a very enjoyable evening. A highlight was watching the camera-man fall down the river bank after jumping at a particularly loud 'trumpeting'. I'll try my hardest to get the video clip on here when I can work out how to remove it from my camera!


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